Right, OK! Im putting this out to all you lovely people who view my blog! If there are any!....
Basically, here and there, I have been creating these hand-made crochet necklaces, shown below, and I was thinking that maybe I should start thinking about selling some?
What do you think?
I need to build up my stock of them obviously as I have really only done a few for gifts and other such things, but then began thinking whether I would be able to make any money out of them! The necklace chains are vintage, ones that I have bought from a charity shop or car boot fairs, and the colour and styles can be so easily changed if I played around with them.....all well made of course!
Any ideas on price of sale would be great! OR perhaps you may know someone who has a market stall in London that would be willing to give them a trial run in the Summer? If you could let me know that would be great!
Now to do some reasearch.....